- Vegan
- Gluten-free
- High-fiber
- Great source of plant protein
- No added sugar
- Excellent source of antioxidants
- Whole-food ingredients
- A 1/2 serving of beans
- A 1/2 serving of fruit
- WFPB-friendly
- ORAC score 3,900*
- What's ORAC?
*based on published values for oxygen radical absorbance capacity
Almond Fudge Brownie 12-pack bars
Why beans?
Nutrition panel:
Did you know black beans contain quercetin and saponins which can protect the heart? Or that black beans are naturally low in sodium and contain potassium, calcium, and magnesium, all of which have been found to decrease blood pressure naturally? Not only that, but black beans contain loads of fiber, which helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease your risk of heart disease.
Furthermore, the saponins found in black beans may prevent cancer cells from multiplying and spreading throughout the body. Also, fiber intakes from fruits and vegetables like black beans are associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer.
Almond Fudge Brownie is the most decadent way to get in a 1/2 serving of beans and fruit. Chewy with a light crunch--the healthiest chocolate bar ever!
One Almond Fudge Brownie = 1/2 serving of beans (which = 1/2 serving of protein & 1/2 serving of vegetables!)